What is a Ceramic Coating?

Made of silicon dioxide, a ceramic coating is a type of clear semi-permanent protection.  It will not guard against stone chips or scratches but will protect your car's exterior from things like tree sap, bird droppings, and bug guts. 

Ceramic Coatings are chemical resistant, NOT impact resistant. Unlike car wax, a ceramic coating creates a tough bond with the surface of the vehicle, so it doesn’t need to be applied often.  You can use it on top of paint protection film or vehicle wraps as well as on wheels, trim, and glass. 

Ceramic Coatings are particularly useful on windshields, as the ceramic coating has hydrophobic qualities, causing water to form beads and slide off the surface.

Check out any video where someone tosses a bucket of dirty, muddy water against a ceramic-coated car and the results will leave you in total amazement and awestruck. 

Although no automotive detailing expert worth his or her salt would suggest this treatment but you get the point!

Ceramic Coatings eliminate the need for car washes and are effective at repelling dirt, mud, grime, and other chemicals you may get with everyday driving!


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